Saturday, May 16, 2009

More from the Bristol Beat

Dispatches are rolling in from CrimeFest 2009, which continues this weekend in Bristol, England. Peter Rozovsky of Detectives Beyond Borders has the most to say, so far, on the subject; see here and here. But Shotsmag Confidential’s Ayo Onatade is running closely behind; her latest reports are here and here. Both of their experiences are making me jealous. There, I’ve said it. That’s off my chest. Now I can go back to the drudgery of weeding my yard ...


pattinase (abbott) said...

If it would only stop raining long enough to do that.

Peter Rozovsky said...

Stop posting things I must reply to, and give me a chance to get some sleep, my worthy friend.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"