Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Misfortune in Cash

Opening his commentary about Marcus Sakey’s most recent novel, Good People, author and reviewer Jim Winter writes in January Magazine today:
If you suddenly had half a million dollars, what would you do with it? In Marcus Sakey’s latest thriller, Good People, Tom and Anna Reed find out. After a fire alarm goes off in the ground-floor unit of their Chicago duplex, they discover their tenant dead in his bed from a drug overdose and a stash of cash in his kitchen. Perhaps they should have asked themselves where it came from before they claimed those riches as a windfall.
“Like Chicago author Sakey’s previous works, The Blade Itself (2007) and At the City’s Edge (2008),” Winter observes, “Good People features an antagonist who blames his own violent actions on other people.” However, the critic adds, “Sakey steps up his game a notch in Good People.” The results are most welcome.

You can read Winter’s full review here.

1 comment:

Paul D Brazill said...

Sounds good, with a touch of Shallow Grave about it.