Thursday, September 12, 2024

Nordic Nominees

Organizers of the annual Petrona Award for the Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year earlier today posted their shortlist of 10 nominees for the 2024 prize. They are:

You Will Never Be Found, by Tove Alsterdal,
translated by Alice Menzies (Sweden, Faber & Faber)
The Collector, by Anne Mette Hancock,
translated by Tara F Chace (Denmark, Swift Press)
Snow Fall, by Jørn Lier Horst,
translated by Anne Bruce (Norway, Michael Joseph)
Stigma, by Jørn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger, translated by
Megan E. Turney (Norway, Orenda)
The Girl by the Bridge, by Arnaldur Indriðason,
translated by Philip Roughton (Iceland, Harvill Secker)
Dead Men Dancing, by Jógvan Isaksen,
translated by Marita Thomsen (Faroe Islands, Norvik Press)
The Sins of Our Fathers, by Åsa Larsson,
translated by Frank Perry (Sweden, MacLehose Press)
White as Snow, by Lilja Sigurðardottir,
translated by Quentin Bates (Iceland, Orenda)
The Prey, by Yrsa Sigurðardottir,
translated by Victoria Cribb (Iceland, Hodder & Stoughton)
The Girl in the Eagle's Talons, by Karin Smirnoff, translated by Sarah Death (Sweden, MacLehose Press)

A shortlist of nominees is due for release on October 10.

The Petrona Award, established back in 2013, takes its name from the blog operated by Maxine Clarke, a British editor and “champion of Scandinavian crime fiction,” who’d died the year before that. As a press release explains, “The Petrona Award is open to crime fiction in translation, either written by a Scandinavian author or set in Scandinavia, and published in the UK in the previous calendar year.”

This year’s full list of entrants can be found here.

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