Wild and Wicked, by “Laura Duchamp,” aka Sally Singer (Midwood, 1965). Given that today begins summer 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere, posting this beach-set paperback front seems like an ideal way to commemorate the change of seasons.
Cover illustration by David Hatfield.
Though tv weatherfolks love to insist otherwise, summer basically begins with June 1st in the Northern Hemisphere, December 1st in the Southern.
As one source puts it succinctly: For ease of recordkeeping, meteorologists and climatologists consider June 1 the first day of summer, but astronomically speaking, the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees north latitude) is aligned directly with the sun on the summer solstice. In 2023, that occurs June 21 at 10:58 a.m. EDT.
Since we are not astronomers (well, I'm an amateur and enthusiast), I wish the attempts to make the solstices and equinoxes Bigger Deals than they are would cease outside that realm...
From The Old Farmer's Almanac: "Summer begins with the solstice on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere." https://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-summer-summer-solstice
I really love this series tribute to Bill Crider. I regret only having gotten to meet and correspond with him a little bit so late in his life. To this day, Bill remains one of the kindest and most sharing author's I've ever met, and I appreciate his generosity. Thanks for doing this.
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