Following the presentation of the Anthony Awards earlier this evening, convention-goers have now settled into full-on social (and social drinking) mode, trying to make the most of their last hours together. There’s not a great deal on the schedule for Sunday morning, so most attendees will be leaving Cleveland early tomorrow, some promising to meet again at next year’s Bouchercon in Albany, New York.
Before the gathering breaks up, though, we want to share a few of the photographs Ali shot during his first three days in Ohio’s second largest city. Even if you weren’t on hand for Bouchercon 2012, you can still enjoy a vicarious thrill by scrolling down through these.
Click on any of the images for an enlargement.

Local police help welcome authors, critics, and others to their convention venue, downtown’s Cleveland Marriott Renaissance.

Ali’s traveling companion, Shots editor Mike Stotter (left), with this event’s toastmaster, Irish author John Connolly.

Attending authors (left to right) Tasha Alexander, Kelli Stanley, Martyn James Lewis, Andrew Grant, and Zoë Sharp.

Mike Stotter with novelist Sean Chercover.

Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, where the opening ceremonies for Bouchercon 2012 were held.

Strand Magazine editor-publisher Andrew Gulli (left) alongside Peter James, chair of Britain’s Crime Writers’ Association and one of this year’s Barry Award winners.

Left to right: The ubiquitous Mr. Stotter with Australian author Michael Robotham and the UK’s Stephen Booth.

Stotter yet again (wow, he really does have a talent for standing in the way of camera lenses, doesn’t he), this time posed before the Nautica Queen, the dining cruise ship on which the 2012 Private Eye Writers of America (PWA) awards were handed out.

Former PWA presidents Max Allan Collins, Sara Paretsky, and Robert J. Randisi, the last of whom founded that organization back in 1981 and created the Shamus Award.

Our man Ali Karim with author Christa Faust.

Canadian wordsmiths Rick Mofina and Linwood Barclay flanking Ohio thriller writer Carla Buckley.

A flash storm brought heavy rain to Cleveland on Friday night, but the city was left to dry the next morning as convention-goers enjoyed their last full day there.
(All photos © 2012 Ali Karim)
READ MORE: “Bouchercon Day 3: The Wounded and the Clueless,” by Peter Rozovsky (Detectives Beyond Borders); “Cleveland Bouchercon Day 4,” by Jeri Westerson (Getting Medieval); “Bouchercon Cleveland--Fri., Oct 5 (Part One),” by J.F. Norris (Pretty Sinister Books); “Jungle Reds Rock at Cleveland Convention,” by Rhys Bowen (Jungle Red Writers); “Greetings from Cleveland,” by Marilyn Thiele (Hey, There’s a Dead Guy in the Living Room).
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