Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Did You Win “Body Work”?

Last week we announced the opening of The Rap Sheet’s latest book giveaway contest, with the prizes being two copies of Sara Paretsky’s soon-to-be-released, 14th V.I. Warshawski detective novel, Body Work (Putnam). Today we bring you the names of the winners, chosen completely at random. They are:

Karen Russell of Athens, Georgia
Jack Seedhouse of Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Congratulations to both of you! Your copies of Body Work should be in the mail soon, so make room on your to-be-read piles.

To everyone else, we want to offer a hardy thanks to you for participating. And also let you know that you still have a chance to pick up a free hardcover crime novel from The Rap Sheet this month. We’ll be starting another giveaway contest early next week, but you’ll have to wait until then to learn whose book is up for grabs. Stay tuned!

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