Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Blood on the Lens

If you haven’t already spotted them, Iden Ford (the photographer husband of historical novelist Maureen Jennings) has posted an extensive collection of shots he took of novelists and others who attended last month’s Bloody Words X Mystery Conference in Toronto, Canada. It’s only too bad the subjects are not better identified.

Look for Ford’s portfolio here.


Iden Pierce Ford said...

Hi Kingston
I did not want to have everyone with a badge on in the shots as in some cases I thought the look of the photo was more interesting without a badge.
But I throw this back at you . . how about becoming more familiar with Canadian content and authors on your side of the border?
If I had put the same types of shots up from a Bouchercon, would you have said the same thing?
Thanks for posting he link, I had tremendous fun as you can tell, shooting all weekend and if any readers are curious to know who is who, please feel free to email me at iden@idenfordphotography.com
I'll be happy to identify the subject of each and every shot. Happy to do it.
God Bless America

J. Kingston Pierce said...

Actually, Iden, the problem wasn't that the authors were Canadian. I could identify people such as Linwood Barclay, Rick Mofina, and Lou Allin. I just didn't know some of the rest, so caption identifications would have helpful. If you'd taken shots of American or British authors, I would likely have not been able to identify some of those, either. And people like me probably know their faces better than most readers who would be looking at your portfolio.

Thanks for posting the shots. They were fun.


Iden Pierce Ford said...

All good, I love to shoot and create photos that are not the norm. Beware of man with camera wearing Canadian hat or shirt . . . LOL!!