Monday, October 19, 2009

Good News for “Southland” Fans?

From TV Squad: “Executive producer John Wells has reportedly been in contact with the cast to tell them he has at least two cable networks interested in picking up Southland. The good news comes in two ways. One, the series gets to come back. And two, a cable network is a lot less likely to tamper with the storytelling style Southland was developing in its first season. NBC already had them de-emphasizing the larger cast and the serialized nature of their storytelling in the episodes they were filming for the new season.”

More on Southland here.


John McFetridge said...

This would be great news.

Anonymous said...

NBC has always had a problem with serialized storytelling. I think HEROES scared them.

Consider how they handled, through their SciFi subsidiary, Battlestar Galactica. The worst episodes were ones where Moore and Eick were pressured into producing one-offs.

Randy Johnson said...

Great news. I'll keep watch for more info.