Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Perils of Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline, the author of this year’s frightening new thriller Look Again, also seems to have a lighter side--as evidenced by the wonderfully titled Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman, coming out in December from St. Martin’s Press. Scottoline has collected between hard covers her Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer columns, “in which she lets her hair down, roots and all, to show the humorous side of life from a woman’s perspective.” The topics of those pieces range from “being caught braless in the emergency room” and “interrupting as an art form” to “real-estate ads as porn.”

On the day back in 2007 that Scottoline began contributing weekly to the Inquirer, she explained to readers: “I write novels, so I usually have 100,000 words to tell a story. In a column there’s only 700 words. I can barely say hello in 700 words. I’m Italian.” The public demand for a collection of her pieces finally grew too loud for Scottoline and her publisher to resist.

So now her fans have one.

1 comment:

Rebecca Cox said...

this is one I will have to pick up. I drop by her web site just to read her column. It it too funny. And, thanks so much for the win. Can't wait to read all the books