Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Now with Twice the Punch

Don’t let the “Spring 2009” label fool you: the latest “double issue” of Spinetingler Magazine is all new and has just been posted. Actually, this appearance is part of a relaunch, turning Spinetingler into an element of BSCReview (BookSpotCentral). It also brings a masthead shift, with author Jack Getze being named as editor, while Sandra Ruttan assumes the title of “executive editor”--a change that is less significant than it seems. “Spinetingler is still Sandra’s baby,” Getze assures me in an e-mail note. “She’s the boss!”

Contents of this new edition can either be read online or downloaded in PDF format. They include new short stories from Anthony Rainone (“Fall to Pieces”), Fiona Kay Crawford (“Successful Surgeon”), and Graham Powell (“The Ins and Outs”); interviews with Russel D. McLean, Brian McGilloway, Phyllis Smallman, and Craig McDonald; and book reviews, as well as a tribute to Southwestern mystery novelist Tony Hillerman, who died last October.

Welcome back, Spinetingler. We’ve missed you.

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