Sunday, January 18, 2009

To Kill, to Kiss, to Read

Casting about for something to read? This weekend, The Guardian comes up with a lot--a crazy lot--of suggestions to fill any literary gap that might be lurking in your life.

Broken into two broad categories--crime and love (though sometimes those two aren’t very different)--the subcategories alone are enough to keep us all reading for a while.

Did you ever wonder, for instance, which books are stolen most often? Which Arabic love stories are the best? Which stories Hollywood has been most willing to change? And which spy stories are most likely to keep you on the edge of your seat? Now, clearly, some of this stuff is subjective, but at least the writers have taken a run at it, and put some obvious thought into it, too.

The Guardian’s collection is quite lengthy, covers a lot of ground, and begins right here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My main problem with this list is how many of the books I would consider to fall outside the crime genre. For example, I love To Kill a Mockingbird, and it does feature a crime, but I really don't consider it to be crime fiction.