Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crimes Aplenty

The Christian Science Monitor is out with a list of what its critics think are the best novels of 2008. That rundown includes several of interest to crime-fiction readers: The Likeness, by Tana French; The Black Tower, by Louis Bayard; When Will There Be Good News?, by Kate Atkinson; The Given Day, by Dennis Lehane; A Most Wanted Man, by John le Carré; and Exit Music, by Ian Rankin.

To read about all of the Monitor’s fiction faves, click here.

(Hat tip to Campaign for the American Reader.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That FILM NOIR 2 cover is, of course, the famous climactic shot from Joseph Lewis' great THE BIG COMBO (probably his second-best film after GUN CRAZY).

In the '50s and '60s, quite a few generic covers got recycled....Publishers owned the paintings and just re-used 'em.