Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Go Vote Now!

Millions of Americans have already cast their votes in advance of this Election Day; I mailed in my own ballot on Saturday. But for those of you who have waited until now, either because you didn’t have time to commit to early voting, or because you wanted to exercise your constitutional rights on Election Day itself, here’s a final appeal to GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO VOTE.

This is a historic election in the United States. Even as incumbent Republican George W. Bush continues to work behind the scenes to undermine civil liberties and environmental protections, Americans have the opportunity to establish a saner, safer, more honest, and less isolationist course for their country. This nation has been brought low by seven-plus years of agenda-setting by the current administration and its allies in Congress. It will take years to undo the mess they have left behind. But it’s high time to start repairing that damage--and let me tell you, the hard work won’t be done by the guy who’s running for “Bush’s third term.” The United States is in desperate need of change, and after today, I hope--all fingers and toes crossed--that we can finally start down that path.

This change, though, requires that everybody who can votes.

What are you waiting for?

READ MORE:Today’s the Day,” by J.D. Rhoades (What Fresh Hell Is This?); “If the Rest of the World Could Vote,” by Andrew Leonard (Salon); “Benchmarks for Barack,” by Thomas Schaller (Salon); “Voting Is Murder,” by B.V. Lawson (In Reference to Murder).


pattinase (abbott) said...

Nice one, Jeff.

Patrick Lennon said...

For what it's worth, a substantial number of people in Britain deeply regret our own administration's complicity in what has happened globally since 2001.
We'll be casting our own votes soon.

Uriah Robinson said...

Not soon enough Patrick unless you count the
by-election in Scotland and the European elections. Otherwise we might have to wait till May 2010.

Anonymous said...


What are you talking about? In the British local elections last May the Conservatives had their best showing in almost 40 years and Labour was crippled.

Anonymous said...

I hope your mail service is reliable there, my friend! We voted today with no lines in Santa Fe, where over 50% of people voted early. I just checked and in our precinct, 85.2% voted for Obama. This is why we drove to Baltimore for Bouchercon, so we could momentarily experience Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama... you get the point.

NOT that there is anything wrong with (some of) them! As long as they read and write and appreciate books, we're cool.

Loved your political posts, J.


Patrick Lennon said...

That's exactly what I'm saying: New Labour are crippled. They've lost the south, the SNP will sandwich them in Scotland, and their whole state-within-a-state machinery is unravelling.

Patrick Lennon said...

That's exactly what I'm saying: New Labour are crippled. They've lost the south, the SNP will sandwich them in Scotland, and their whole state-within-a-state machinery is unravelling.