Sunday, August 31, 2008

Twin Sweep

The Mirror’s Edge is a not a pebble against the glass, but more like a boulder catapulted by a gifted writer who hits the bulls-eye in scene after scene,” January Magazine critic David Thayer enthuses about Steven Sidor’s latest novel before announcing, “This is one of my favorite books of the year.”

So, what of the book’s plot? It focuses around a Chicago freelance writer named Jase Deering, who involves himself with the sensational daylight kidnapping of twin boys from their parents’ suburban home. Deering, whose own older brother “vanished in the woods long ago,” becomes obsessed with this kidnapping, risking his relationship with significant other Robyn Matchfrost as he falls into the dangerous orbit of an occult-associated family. “This is a novel in which character and plot fuse in a natural progression, a tough, sometimes brutal chain of mayhem that the author controls completely,” writes Thayer.

The full review can be found here.

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