Monday, March 17, 2008

Deadline Extended

Those of you who have been following the discussion of The Rap Sheet’s “crime novels you must read before you die” project over at Crimespace know that this topic can generate passion. Lots of it. It has also produced some really wonderful suggestions of books to include on our list--a few of which we hadn’t thought of in a very, very long while. We are going to have a hard time winnowing down the list. But one thing we did commit to upfront was, we’d only include one book per author on our final roster, so winnowing will ultimately be necessary.

Because of the enthusiasm this project has produced, we’ve decided to give people a bit more time to make their reading suggestions. So everyone will now have until Friday, April 4, to participate. You can either add your suggestions of appropriate titles to the Crimespace discussion (here) or e-mail the title and author of the book you’d like to nominate, plus two or three sentences explaining why you think it deserves a place on our list, to

We look forward to receiving more generous contributions to this project from our readers.

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