Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Big One

Happy birthday to CrimeSpace. My, how you’ve grown! Now, with well over 1,000 members, CrimeSpace is a vibrant online community of crime-fiction enthusiasts. In a posting today, the site’s primary perpetrator, Australian Daniel Hatadi, writes:
When I started CrimeSpace on March 4th 2007, I didn’t see it living past the six month mark. I certainly didn’t see it hitting over 1000 members or winning any awards either. I just saw a hole in the crime fiction internet universe and wanted to fill it. I’m such a boy.
One year later, CrimeSpace is stronger than ever, partly due to a recent polish by Hatadi, and partly because of the comfortable and positive environment for targeted conversations he’s created there.

Well done, Daniel! And thank you.

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