Wednesday, December 26, 2007

10 More for Your Consideration

Bruce Grossman’s top-10 list of crime novels from 2007 is the only one on which you’re going to find The New Destroyer: Guardian Angel, by Warren Murphy and James Mullaney--I guarantee it. He also, though, has good things to say about Sean Chercover’s Big City, Bad Blood, James Reasoner’s Dust Devils, and The Electric Church, by Jeff Somers. Read all of his comments here.


Anonymous said...

I loved Guardian Angel; it was a great book compared to the last few Gold Eagle books. It was really great to see Warren writing with Jim; Choke Hold is equally as good and the upcoming Destroyer: Dead Reckoning looks fantastic!
I just wish Warren and Jim would have teamed up a few years ago.

Donna said...

Including Guardian Angel (and Choke Hold and Best of the Destroyer, too) in a list of crime fiction is a bit of a stretch.

The books aren't strictly crime fiction. Well, not all of them.

After the first few Destroyers, Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir quickly realized that they didn't want to write the same action/adventure plots over and over.

So while they did write about the Mafia and crime and evil dictators, they also wrote some with sci-fi or fantasy elements and others with comedy and social satire.

Thirty five years and close to 150 books later, the books are still going strong. Why shouldn't well written, fun books make a year-end best of list?