Thursday, November 22, 2007

Murder. A Turkey. And You

On In Reference to Murder, B.V. Lawson gets us all into the holiday spirit with a quick look at mysteries with a Thanksgiving motif or tie-in. Who knew there were this many of them? (Well ... Lawson did. And perhaps you did, as well. But I, certainly, did not.)
While you’re sitting around in a food coma, unable to move due to the extra ten pounds you just put on, why not pick up a mystery with a Thanksgiving theme?
OK: honestly? In that exact scenario, it might actually be a better idea to go for a little jog or an afternoon of tennis rather than snuggling in with a book to let the tryptophan take over. But when that 10 pounds is worked off--or, better yet, while you’re waiting for the turkey to put in its appearance--there are a lot of books to help get you in the mood for this particular holiday.

Lawson’s list includes Kate Borden’s Death of a Turkey (Berkley) from 2005; Mary Daheim’s Fowl Prey (Avon, 1991); Jeanne M. Dams’ Sins Out of School (Walker & Company, 2003); Richard Hawke’s Speak of the Devil (Random House, 2006); J. A. Jance’s Shoot Don’t Shoot (William Morrow, 1995); Leslie Meier’s Turkey Day Murder (Kensington, 2000), and more.

Lawson’s list contains 21 Thanksgiving-themed or -connected mysteries in all. It’s here.

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