Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Life of P.I.s

Borrowing their front page’s illustration from the cover of Mickey Spillane’s first posthumous novel, Dead Street, Kevin Burton Smith and Company have posted, if a bit belatedly, the fall 2007 update of The Thrilling Detective Web Site. Along with new detective fiction by Richard Helms, Stephen Blackmoore, and Gary Alexander, you’ll find an excerpt from Seth Harwood’s This Is Life, along with a chunk of the aforementioned Dead Street to chew on.

Yet I must admit, what I always look through first in any new installment of The Thrilling Detective are the additions made to this site’s giant database of fictional private eyes and other good guys. You never know what new discoveries are waiting to be made. It’s a testament to the popularity and longevity of this genre that Smith and his people never seem to run out of new character pages to add, or at least add to. Want to know more about 98-year-old gumshoe Joe Ready? Or South Dakota’s Julie Collins? Or Chi-Town cop-turned-dick Joe Kozmarski? You’ll find them all under investigation here. As well as many, many more.


Juri said...

The Collins link doesn't work.

J. Kingston Pierce said...

Thanks for letting me know, Juri. It's fixed now. -- Jeff