Today’s trio of
crime-fiction limericks all come from the colder, northern reaches of the United States. The first was penned by Wausau, Wisconsin, resident Karyn Powers:
As a “protag,” I favor the guy
Who wakes up with mud in his eye
And blood on his clothes from
His collar to toes
With nary a clue as to why.
Then we have two by Sandra Seamans of Northeast Pennsylvania. The first, which she warns “might be too naughty” for publication is titled “Menopausal Prostitute”:
There was an old lady from Meade
Who was tired of bending her knees.
So she got her a knife
And started to slice.
Within hours her evenings were free.
Seamans’ second entry, “Irish Blues,” begins with the line I used to head
my original post about crime-fiction limericks:
There once was a gumshoe so green
That he came close to losing his spleen.
He chased down a thug
Who rearranged his mug
For the love of a winsome colleen.
Please continue to e-mail your best original limericks
Damn, but that first one is good. It even scans well.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
You ought to try writing one of these limericks yourself, Peter. It can be a lot of fun. -- Jeff
I've tried, and I intend to keep trying! I'll let you know when I succeed.
I once wrote a haiku about a boozy Quizzo game, so a crime-fiction limerick should be a day at the beach.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
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