Monday, February 26, 2007

Shoot Me Now

Mugshots can be fascinating, whether they show the rich and infamous (Tom DeLay, Rush Limbaugh, and Yasmine Bleeth) or complete and utter unknowns, trapped somehow in today’s legal system. So it seems almost inevitable that someone, sometime would come up with the notion of building fiction around such photographs. That someone turns out to be Los Angeles writer-blogger Stephen Blackmoore, who’s just announced the debut of Mugshots Magazine, an online flash-fiction pub.

Blackmoore lays credit for this idea primarily at the feet of Maine teacher-author Patrick Bagley, who asked, “Wouldn’t it be cool to do fiction based on mugshots? I say, yeah, sure. What do I know? So I put together this little thing over on L.A. Noir.

“Easy, right? I put up the picture, somebody else writes the story. I figure I’ll get one, maybe two. I get six. And they’re good. The real deal.”

It was a short leap from there to creating a Web site. Now, Blackmoore’s soliciting contributions to Mugshots Magazine’s first, Spring 2007 issue. Submission details can be found here.

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