Sunday, November 05, 2006

Eyes That Watch the World and Can’t Forget

I’ve been holding out on upgrading my cable-TV package, since there haven’t been a whole hell of a lot of new shows this season--other than Aaron Sorkin’s Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip--that interest me, and my favorite HBO series, Deadwood, has already had its final run. However, tomorrow night’s premiere on BBC America of Vincent, a British program starring Ray Winstone as Vincent Gallagher, “a passionate and headstrong private eye” in Manchester, England, “who sometimes forgets that he’s running a business and not a crusade,” might just force me to rethink my obstinacy on this matter. After all, the UK is not as well known as America has been for its gumshoe shows. And U.S. television has been without any decent P.I. series for years now. It might be interesting to see what more the Brits can do with a formula that was pretty much born on this side of the Atlantic.

The first in a four-pack of Vincent episodes debuts on Monday, November 6, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.


Ali Karim said...

Hey, he was great also in a supporting role in RIPLEY'S GAME with Malkovich - I missed this series as I don't watch much TV, but heard it was good - A DVD purchase I fear

Anonymous said...

VINCENT, on the other hand, is nothing special. The Brits have tried in vain to get a decent PI series going, but they tend to fall into the "cutesy" trap far too often. You've got to bear in mind, though, that this is coming from someone who thinks THE PUBLIC EYE was the last great Brit PI show.