Friday, September 15, 2006

Serial Sam Gets the Call

On his blog Thursday, Rap Sheet and January Magazine contributor Anthony Rainone tells readers about an article in New York Magazine that looks at Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz’s conversion to Christianity.

“Facing the daily punishment for the terrible murders he committed,” Rainone writes, “he turned to Christianity for solace. In the process, he attracted the attention of many Christian groups and individuals, who are making Berkowitz into a cause celebre for their religious beliefs.”

Gosh, they can have him.

Rainone’s done a super job of collecting all the links relevant to this story, so we’ll point you right there.


Anonymous said...

So this was a guy who was taking orders from his nighbor's dog. Now it's Jesus. OK...

Linda L. Richards said...

Well, see, but it all ties in, right? You've heard the old (ahem) wag. Spell it backwards.



It's practically the same thing anyway. Except one has a big book and the other pees on trees. Not such a leap when you think of it that way.