If James’ earliest works were somewhat labored, it didn’t take her long to find her stride. She had perhaps nailed it by 1971 when Shroud for a Nightingale, her fourth Dalgliesh outing, was named as the best novel of the year by the Mystery Writers of America and was also awarded the Macallan Silver Dagger for Fiction by the Britain’s Crime Writers’ Association.
Many books, accolades, and readers have followed. And over the decades, she’s given considerable thought to the purpose and promise of mystery fiction. As she’s said,
All fiction is an attempt to create order out of disorder and to make sense of personal experience. But the classical detective story does this within its own established conventions; a central mystery which is usually but not necessarily a murder, a closed circle of suspects, a detective, either professional or amateur, who comes in like an avenging deity to solve the crime, and a final solution which the reader should be able to arrive at himself by logical deduction from the clues. This apparent formula writing is capable of accommodating a remarkable variety of books and talents. Within the formal constraints of the detective novel I try to say something true about men and women under the stress of the ultimate crime and about the society in which they live.Happy 86th birthday, Baroness James. May there be many more.
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