Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sixteen Candles

Break out the cake, the party hats, and the beribboned gifts—today is The Rap Sheet’s 16th birthday! It’s now old enough to procure a driver’s license as well as to “legally engage in sexual intercourse in most [U.S.] states,” says this facts-of-the-day blog post.

Not a great deal has changed here since this time last year, though The Rap Sheet continues to rack up statistical advancements. It’s nearing its 8,300th post, and its eight-millionth pageview. (Weren’t we just crowing about it reaching 5,000,000?) I have a couple of design modifications in mind for the near future, and I’d really like to get back to interviewing authors more often—something I used to do quite frequently. I would also enjoy visiting a crime-fiction festival or two, but continuing waves of COVID-19 variants provide serious disincentives to gathering in large groups.

I’m not a frequent complainer, though if pressed, I could share my dissatisfaction with such matters as the worsening political crisis in the United States and the alarming spread of white supremacy. One thing I cannot grouse about is my work on this page. Sixteen years of writing and editing The Rap Sheet have brought me so many memorable joys, not merely from reading but from meeting other people with similar passions for crime, mystery, and thriller fiction. When I created this blog in 2006, I had no idea that I’d still be happily laboring over it all these years later.

So on those occasions when the woes of the world seem far too extensive to endure, I can refocus at least part of my attention on The Rap Sheet. And apparently, this Web page is now able to ask even more of me than it has in the past, because it’s legal in this country for a 16-year-old to finally demand fulltime work hours. 😀

Stay healthy, everyone, and thank you for following The Rap Sheet through all of these long years!


BVLawson said...

Happy Blogiversary, Jeff! Thanks for all the hard work you do, and may you have many more blogging and writing years to come.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

As one who faithfully reads and rarely comments, thank you big time for all you do. This is one heck of an achievement. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you for your hard work. I've looked forward to seeing each new post for all 16 years.

E. Ellis said...

I'm so thankful for sites like this for providing exposure to so many authors and creators that might never receive the attention they deserve.

Sadly, it looks like a couple of other sites I enjoy have gone dark (Kiwi Crime, Hardboiled Wonderland, and a couple of others - it seems many bloggers are just moving over to other sites like Twitter).

Thank you for all the work you do.

FurryBootsCityBoy said...

Happy 16th blog birthday!

Cathy said...

Happy Anniversary! All the hard work you put into this blog is appreciated much more than you will ever know.

David Magayna said...

Happy Anniversary, Jeff. Enjoy every aspect of your labors.

Carol Gwenn said...

For more than 10 years, checking in on The Rap Sheet has been a high point
in my literary life. Have learned about (& enjoyed) so many new writers,
gotten the news on all the festivals & awards in the field - and it's all'
down to one intrepid reporter starting & maintaining this site. Readers
everywhere owe him a GIANT "Thank you!" for all the hard work & for
continuing to keep up the high standard of The Rap Sheet.

Hope I'll be around to wish TRS a happy 26th birthday, too!

Elizabeth Foxwell said...

Congrats, Jeff! Hope you are feeling better.