Sunday, October 01, 2023

It Never Hurts to Look Again

How can it be the start of October already? It seems as if I have accomplished next to nothing thus far in 2023, though I know for a fact that many millions of words have spilled from my computer onto various electronic and print pages over the last nine months.

This change of the calendar also prompts me to remind readers to check back on The Rap Sheet’s extensive list of crime, mystery, and thriller books being released over these concluding four months of the year. Since that tally was posted in early September, I’ve added dozens of works to it that I did not previously know were coming out. Yes, yes, I realize it may make us all feel as if we’re falling further behind in our reading. But with colder weather (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) sending us inside for more hours each day, and with the holiday gift-buying season approaching, it’s good to have some sort of guide to what new publications are available for lovers of this genre.

So click here to revisit the blog’s curated collection of more than 400 mysteries and thrillers (plus new true-crime works) due out on both sides of the Atlantic between now and New Year’s Day.

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