Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hello, Dolls!

Sorry for the recent shortage of fresh posts on this page. Between planning for the holidays, helping to open a new independent bookstore in Seattle, and working on various editorial assignments, I’ve had little free time lately. But I did launch, on Monday, a second “Twelve Dames of Christmas” series in my book-design blog, Killer Covers. Through January 5, I shall be expanding a selection of vintage novels—all boasting the word “dame” in their titles—that I introduced two years ago on the same page. You can follow the series here.


Gabe said...

Sounds great! What is the name of the bookstore and what neighborhood is it in?

J. Kingston Pierce said...

It's called Madison Books, in the Madison Park neighborhood. A "pop-up" version of the shop was operating in the space for about three weeks, before and just after Christmas. But the store's official opening won't be until late February or early March, after construction on the interior is completed.
