Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Oh No, Not Again

Yet another person to add to the list of suspects in London’s 1888 Jack the Ripper slayings. “An historian claims to have uncovered the identity of Jack the Ripper by using modern police forensic techniques,” reports The Daily Mail.
Mei Trow also believes that the notorious Whitechapel murderer was responsible for the deaths of an additional two women.

He has concluded that Robert Mann, a local morgue attendant, was the killer who terrorised east London in 1888 and who was officially credited with dismembering five prostitutes. ...

Mr. Trow said: ‘I wanted to go beyond the myth of a caped man with a top hat and knife, and get to the reality, and the reality is simply that Jack was an ordinary man.’
The piece goes on to quote professor Laurence Alison, a forensic psychologist at Liverpool University, as saying, “In terms of psychological profiling, Robert Mann is the one of the most credible suspects from recent years and the closest we may ever get to a plausible psychological explanation for these most infamous of Victorian murders.”

We shall see.

(Hat tip to Bill Crider’s Pop Culture Magazine.)

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