Saturday, January 03, 2009

Signs of Respect

In the wake of author Donald E. Westlake’s stunning demise on New Year’s Eve, there have been a number of tributes spread over the crime-fiction blogosphere. We’ve already catalogued a wide variety of those here, but there seems to be no stopping their proliferation. Especially worth checking out are Max Allan Collins’ recollections of the novelist, hosted in Ed Gorman’s blog, and Michael Carlson’s fine encomium, which he apparently wrote for the British e-zine Shots (though I don’t see it there yet).

Meanwhile, Mystery*File’s Steve Lewis has been re-running what I hope will be an increasing number of reviews from past years of Westlake’s books and the films made from his novels. Featured so far: Why Me?, The Hot Rock, God Save the Mark, and Dancing Aztecs.

Good stuff all around.

READ MORE:Donald Westlake: An Appreciation,” by Mario Taboada (Mystery*File); “Donald E. Westlake (1933-2008),” by Ethan Iverson (Do the Math); “Donald Westlake: The Stark Truth,” by Ed Gorman (Mystery Scene); “R.I.P., Donald Westlake,” by Clayton Moore (Bang!).

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