Just the Facts

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Partners No More

I hate to have to pass this along, but there’s more unfortunate news on the independent bookstore front. This note has been posted on the Web page of New York City’s Partners & Crime:
After 18 years in the shop on Greenwich Avenue, Partners & Crime Mystery Booksellers is closing its doors on September 20th.

We’ve had a great run and have enjoyed helping a generation of readers find the books they love.

We’ve had a lot of fun, learned a tremendous amount, and enjoyed our time with all of you--customers, authors and publishers.

Stop by, reminisce and check out our THANK YOU sale--and maybe find that favorite title you really can't live without!

Couldn’t have done it without you!

With our great appreciation to all , and a special thank-you to Bernard Charles, our landlord, for all their support.
As GalleyCat observes today, “The bookstore hosted many great literary events, including a series dedicated to the art of radio dramas. All readers should check out the bookstore’s Top 100, a collection of classic recommended books.”

1 comment:

  1. If I lived in NYC I would've been there two or three times a month. Anytime I was visiting I always made a trip down there. I'm really sad about this. Once Manhattan had several bookstores devoted to selling crime fiction (both new and used) and now with Partners & crime gone it leaves only The Mysterious Book Shop. I remember Black Orchid, Murder Ink, a thrift store that benefited a church down the street from Black Orchid that had incredible old books, and another used bookstore near Murder Ink that was a general store and had a great mystery section (can't remember the name). It's a day of mourning for me at least.
