Just the Facts

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Mixing It Up with Mike

If we’re to judge simply from his latest “Getting Away with Murder” column in Shots, British crime-fiction critic Mike Ripley’s schmoozing continues apace. His latest compendium of news notes and social observations includes word of his encounters with South Africa author Deon Meyer and New Zealand blogger Craig Sisterson; his musings on a new graphic novel release from Titan (“an homage to classic police detective TV shows”); his thoughts on political correctness in book titling; his surprise at the dearth of Scandinavian mysteries mentioned in the forthcoming work Books to Die For (edited by John Connolly and Declan Burke); his discovery of what may be the first crime novel in which “the main sleuth hero plies his trade (in this case as a lawyer), on Gibraltar”; and his recommendation of The Sherlock Holmes Miscellany, a compendium of information about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s renowned snooper.

You can enjoy Ripley’s full column here.

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