Just the Facts

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Hail the Lammys

A “gala ceremony” held last night in New York City brought out the winners of the 2012 Lambda Awards. Nominees for these “Lammys” included books from “major mainstream publishers and from academic presses, from both long-established and new LGBT publishers, as well as from emerging publish-on-demand technologies.” The Lammys are presented annually by the Los Angeles, California-based Lambda Literary Foundation (LLF).

There were 24 categories of winners, but the two of perhaps greatest interest to readers of The Rap Sheet are these:

Best Lesbian Mystery:
Dying to Live, by Kim Baldwin and Xenia Alexiou (Bold Strokes)

Also nominated: Hostage Moon, by A.J. Quinn (Bold Strokes);
Rainey Nights, by R.E. Bradshaw (R.E. Bradshaw Books); Retirement Plan, by Martha Miller (Bold Strokes); and Trick of the Dark, by Val McDermid (Bywater)

Best Gay Mystery:
Red White Black and Blue, by Richard Stevenson (MLR Press)

Also nominated: The Affair of the Porcelain Dog, by Jess Faraday (Bold Strokes); Blue’s Bayou, by David Lennon (Blue Spike); Boystown: Three Nick Nowak Mysteries, by Marshall Thornton (Torquere Press); and Malabarista, by Garry Ryan (NeWest Press)

A full list of this year’s Lammy recipients can be found here.

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