Just the Facts

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Did You Win a Copy of “Bellringer”?

Last Tuesday, The Rap Sheet announced it latest book-giveaway competition. The prizes were four advance reader copies of Toronto novelist J. Robert Janes’ new book, Bellringer--the 13th installment in his justly popular World War II-set mystery series featuring Chief Inspector Jean-Louis St-Cyr of the French Sûreté and Detektiv Inspektor Hermann Kohler of the Nazi Gestapo. It’s been a full decade since the publication of the last St-Cyr/Kohler novel, Flykiller, so the reappearance of Janes’ two protagonists has come as welcome news.

Well, today we have our four winners, chosen completely at random and scattered across the United States and Canada. They are:

• Bill Slankard of Arlington Heights, Illinois
• Liz Rose of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada
• David Kendrick of Los Angeles, California
• Pam Castle of Artesia, New Mexico

Janes’ publisher, The Mysterious Press, has agreed to send each of these winners a copy of Bellringer. If you aren’t among that lucky quartet, you can still purchase the novel in conventional book form, or find it in e-book format. (Mysterious Press and Open Road Media have also released the previous St-Cyr/Kohler novels as e-books.)

And don’t be too disappointed if you weren’t successful in this drawing. The Rap Sheet will be hosting another book giveaway next week. Details to be announced.

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