Just the Facts

Friday, May 18, 2012

With Age Comes New Respect

Among the many crime novels being highlighted in this week’s collection of “forgotten books” posts is J.B. O’Sullivan’s 1953 work, I Die Possessed, about which I wrote earlier this week in Kirkus Reviews. Other books mentioned: Some of Your Blood, by Theodore Sturgeon; The Sins of the Fathers, by Lawrence Block; The Tough Die Hard, by Robert Martin; Corpus Delectable, by Talmage Powell; Love Lies Bleeding, by Edmund Crispin; Mermaids, by Margaret Millar; Whom Gods Destroy, by Clifton Adams; May You Die in Ireland, by Michael Kenyon; The Case of Mr. Cassidy, by William Targ; Remember to Kill Me, by Hugh Pentecost; A Killing in Comics, by Max Allan Collins; The Death of Colonel Mann, by Cynthia Peale; The House in November, by Keith Laumer; Little Odessa, by Joseph Koenig; and The Cry of the Owl, by Patricia Highsmith.

You’ll find the full list of posts in Todd Mason’s Sweet Freedom.

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