Just the Facts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Can That Be? 5,000?

I’ve been paying close attention lately to The Rap Sheet’s stats, wondering if this blog’s sixth anniversary would coincide perfectly with the appearance of its 5,000th post. Well, it’s rare that things work out so neatly, and this did not. In fact, our 5,000th post went up on Friday morning--unheralded in print, though the occasion generated an abundance of high-fives around the Rap Sheet offices.

Meanwhile, the blog won’t turn six until this coming Tuesday.


  1. Double congratulations are in order, as well as thanks for providing a terrific blog.

  2. Congratulations on both accounts! What a milestone (s)

  3. Congratulations. I didn't know about Rapsheet right away. I'm going to have to dig into the archives. Best to you and keep going. The blog is an essential part of my morning ritual.

  4. Congratulations -- 5,000 posts in six years! -- and for the last few months I've enjoyed every one of them. I learn a lot from you. Thank you.
