Just the Facts

Monday, August 11, 2014


Over this past weekend, PulpFest 2014 took place in Columbus, Ohio. Included among its events was the presentation of two prizes.

J. Randolph Cox, a former editor-publisher of Dime Novel Round-Up and author of the bibliography Man of Magic & Mystery: A Guide to the Work of Walter B. Gibson, won the Munsey Award, “presented annually to a person who has worked for the betterment of the pulp community.” Meanwhile, J. Barry Traylor picked up the Rusty Award, “designed to recognize those individuals who have worked long and hard for the pulp community with little thought for individual recognition, it is meant to reward especially good works and is thus reserved for those individuals who are most deserving.”

Congratulations to both prize recipients.

READ MORE:Convention Report: PulpFest 2014,” by Walker Martin (Mystery*File).

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