Just the Facts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Off to the Races

On the same day The Rap Sheet announced that it would begin posting individual tributes to the 14 shows once contained under the NBC Mystery Movie “umbrella,” a poll was installed at the top of the right-hand column on this page, asking readers to choose their favorite Mystery Movie series. Responses to that survey have been many and varied, but there are some obvious leaders of the pack.

As of this morning, here are the most popular shows:

Columbo (259 votes)
McMillan & Wife (204)--which we’ll talk about more here today
McCloud (164)
Banacek (153)
Quincy, M.E. (123)

If you haven’t voted already, please do so. This poll will remain in place for as long as it takes us to complete our Mystery Movie series of posts--which looks like it’ll be some time yet.

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