Just the Facts

Monday, November 07, 2011

A Boxer Rebellion

The first I heard that Gold Dagger Award-winning novelist Robert Wilson (A Small Death in Lisbon, The Ignorance of Blood)--who’s been published in the past by HarperCollins--was taking his next novel to British house Orion instead, came in one of his recent Facebook posts:
Thought I’d tell you, because I now I have a signed contract, that my new book, Capital Punishment, will be published by Weidenfeld Orion in January 2013. This is the first book in a new series featuring my latest protagonist, Charles Boxer. Apart from being a kidnap consultant who provides a special after-sales service for his clients, he also runs a charitable foundation for finding missing persons.
Now, though, UK critic Rhian Davies (aka CrimeFicReader) offers up more details about Capital Punishment, which is scheduled for a January 2013 release.

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