Just the Facts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crime in the City of Gardens

Bloody Words, touted as “Canada’s oldest and largest mystery conference,” is scheduled to take place in historic Victoria, British Columbia, from June 3 through 5.

This year’s Guest of Honor (or should that be “Honour?) will be crime novelist Michael Slade, with Tess Gerritsen as International Guest of Honor and William Deverell standing up as the Local Guest of Honor. Oh, and we mustn’t forget to mention the Ghost of Honor, Amor De Cosmos (1825-1897), the founder of British Columbia’s first newspaper.

Hosting the festivities will be downtown’s Hotel Grand Pacific, adjacent to the scenic Inner Harbour. Registration will set you back $190.00 Canadian, and the form you must fill out to participate can be found here.

Finally, if you would like to participate in Bloody Words’ “Bone Pete” Short Story Contest--open to all convention attendees--the deadline for entering your work (which should not exceed 5,000 words and must feature Victoria in some way) is March 1.

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