Christopher Morley once said that the Sherlock Holmes stories were a textbook of friendship. We’ve heard this platitude before, but what does it mean? How did the relationship between Holmes and Watson manifest itself in the Canon and how does that impact us as Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts today, in the digital age?Click here to listen in.
We discuss the elements of Holmes and Watson and how they were influenced most notably by the personality of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; the difficulty in portraying the depth of the characters and their relationship on stage and screen; and how Sherlockians make each other’s acquaintance.
Just the Facts
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Brothers in Arms
OK, we admit it: We haven’t checked in for a while on Scott Monty’s podcast, I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere. But he has posted a new installment, the focus of which is described thusly:
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