Just the Facts

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Taking on Crais

Kevin Burton Smith put together, for January Magazine, what I have long thought was one of the best interviews ever with novelist Robert Crais (The Two Minute Rule). However, Ali Karim’s new exchange with the same author, this time for Shots, is well worth reading as well. In it, Crais recalls how he was in Louisiana when Hurricane Katrina struck there last year, shares his boyhood fondness for comic books, talks about his early days of writing for television, and reveals--gasp!--that he almost killed off Joe Pike in his very first Elvis Cole book, The Monkey’s Raincoat (1987).

Read the whole interview here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Thanks Jeff -

    K B Smith's interview with RC was very memorable, and thanks for the kind words on mine.

    It was great meeting RC for Brekfast, had a real laugh with RC, as we're both comic book fans, and like Tabasco on our scrambled eggs.

