Just the Facts

Monday, August 13, 2012

Out With It: Another Side of P.I. Fiction

For Criminal Element, Liz Strange offers a brief overview of gay detective fiction, mentioning some of the better-known contributors to that subgenre--Joseph Hansen and Mark Richard Zubro, for instance--but leaving out many more.

If you’d like a somewhat fuller look at this field of stories, check out Lori L. Lake’s piece from the November/December 2005 issue of Crimespree Magazine. Lake’s companion essay about lesbian detective fiction can be found here.

Still more information on the subject is available from Judith A. Markowitz’s 2004 book, The Gay Detective Novel: Lesbian and Gay Main Characters and Themes in Mystery Fiction. Chapter 1 of Markowitz’s work can be read here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this article. I understand that this was a short piece, and that I could have listed many more wonderful authors/series, but that wasn't the point. It was simply to shine the light on an genre that has been overlooked and underappreciated for far too long. I choose to focus on the positive here: that Criminal Elelment was looking to support and praise GLBT crime/mystery fiction and introduce readers to a wealth of new authors to enjoy.

    I feel very blessed to be with MLR Press, and to be included with such a diverse, creative, and talented group of authors.

    Liz Strange
