Just the Facts

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Just a Little Housekeeping

When The Rap Sheet was launched six years ago, one of the things I made sure to do was include links to author Web sites, hoping to make readers of this blog curious about the many people contributing to this genre. But over time, that list became enormous, occupying a lot of real estate in the right-hand column.

So I have finally moved the author Web site links off the front page. More than 400 of them now occupy a page all their own. I am not trying to list everyone who pens crime, mystery, and thriller fiction, but have instead made my own biased selections of people whose work I’ve found interesting. Undoubtedly, this list will expand over time, keeping pace with my reading discoveries.

Another thing worth noting: the blog has added a new paid advertisement to the bottom of the page, promoting an e-book called Check Out Time in Atlanta, written by salesman-novelist Mike Messenger. I haven’t read Messenger’s work myself, but here’s a synopsis of Check Out Time’s plot:
The Continental is not your typical hotel and Check Out Time in Atlanta will not be your typical hotel stay. This twisted crime thriller is imbued with titillating psychology and suspense. It is set in a crazy hotel where weird and disturbing events take place. Its overlapping Elton John rumors erupt wildly into an “America’s Most Wanted”-type capture. Gen-Xer Cotie Garrett--among many insane and unforgettable hotel characters--finds his life is intertwined and forever changed by his disturbingly arrogant boss, Rob Duffy. Scheming and cunning, in this down-and-dirty south scenario, hotel manager Duffy goes to maniacal lengths to hide the hotel’s dark and urban underbelly. Yet its most vile secret ends up being revealed, after all.
If you would like to learn more, clickety-clack on the ad for Check Out Time in Atlanta at the bottom of The Rap Sheet.

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