Just the Facts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nazis Coming Soon to Your Mailbox

One week ago I announced The Rap Sheet’s latest book-giveaway competition, with the prizes being three copies of Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris, a true-crime work by David King. Today, following a random pick of names from the dozens entered in this drawing, I can now reveal the winners. They are:

Randy Johnson of Eden, North Carolina
Sherri Mayer of Frederick, Maryland
Barney Retallick of Seattle, Washington

Publisher Broadway Books has promised to drop copies of King’s volume into the mail for those three lucky winners post-haste.

Thanks to everyone who entered. I’m sorry if you didn’t win, but there are always more such giveaways to come. Please stay tuned.


  1. My copy came today and I've already started it. Had to. My sister and her daughter, when they found out it was coming, started pushing me for it.

    Thanks again!

  2. That's good news, Randy. Thanks for letting me know it arrived there safely.

