Just the Facts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dicks and Janes and Free Books

My Kirkus Reviews column today is given over to Part I of an interview I conducted recently with Toronto novelist J. Robert Janes, author of a long-running, World War II-set mystery series featuring Chief Inspector Jean-Louis St-Cyr of the French Sûreté and Detektiv Inspektor Hermann Kohler of the Nazi Gestapo. Mayhem, Janes’ first St-Cyr/Kohler novel, was published back in 1992. His 13th, brought into print after the series’ decade-long hiatus, is titled Bellringer and is due for publication by The Mysterious Press early next week. (Mysterious Press will also release Janes’ backlist in e-book format.)

You can find my Kirkus interview here.

Part II of my exchange with Janes should be posted later today in The Rap Sheet. Or as soon as I can finish editing it ...

* * *

By the way, The Mysterious Press has kindly made available to Rap Sheet supporters four free advance reader copies of Bellringer.

To pick up one of those ARCs, all you have to do is e-mail your name and snail-mail address to jpwrites@wordcuts.org. And please be sure to write “J. Robert Janes Contest” in the subject line. Entries will be accepted between now and midnight next Monday, June 4. Winners will be chosen at random, and their names will be listed on this page the following day. Sorry, but this drawing is open only to residents of the United States and Canada.

I expect lots of participants in this contest, so don’t dally too much in entering. And best of luck to everyone who takes part!

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