Just the Facts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Venting Moment of the Day

Can I just say how much I hate Blogger’s new setup? To get anything done right, you now have to install a bunch of HTML coding that wasn’t necessary before, thus complicating every effort to simply write, illustrate, and post stories. There was nothing wrong with the previous version of Blogger; who had the bright idea to “fix” it?


  1. It's driving me crazy.

  2. With Blogger's latest makeover, I decided to adopt the changes as early as I could. I knew they would be rolled out to all of Blogger eventually, so I took any time I could to get used to them.

    I've had the best results entering text with the raw HTML editor and switching the the Rich Text Compose mode to place images.

    I'm betting similar makeovers happen on all blogging platforms. All we can do is muddle through. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, Jeff and Bill.

  3. Do you think it has anything to do with the template you're using? I migrated my blog over to the "new" templates about a year ago and haven't had to do anything different since then, certainly not anything like you're suggesting with adding HTML code and such. Might be something to check in to.

  4. Completely nuts! Actually worse than the timeline on Facebook ...

  5. Apparently they are taking a page from the Microsoft playbook: "New and improved" really means "less user-friendly." I switched to Wordpress last year. So far I've been mostly happy with it.

  6. The new set-up is absolutely not user-friendly, and my results are very unpredictable. I hate it.
