Just the Facts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best and Verse of Poe

This in a bit of interesting news:
Newly discovered Edgar Allan Poe manuscripts will be revealed in a major exhibit at Richmond, Virginia’s Edgar Allan Poe Museum from April 26 to July 11, 2012. Among the recently uncovered pieces are four letters and the only known manuscript for Poe’s important early poem “To Helen,” which was located last month in the album of one of Poe’s cousins. Opening April 26 in honor of the Poe Museum’s 90th anniversary, the exhibit From Poe’s Quill: The Letters and Manuscripts of Edgar Allan Poe will showcase these recent finds alongside dozens of rare Poe manuscripts gathered from seven different public and private collections across the country. According to the Poe Museum’s curator, Chris Semtner, “This is the kind of exhibit that comes around only once in a generation. Because Poe’s manuscripts were not highly valued during his brief life, many have been lost or dispersed over time, making them very rare today. Given that, it is remarkable that this show will feature such items as the only complete Poe short story in private hands, the earliest privately owned Poe manuscript, and even a letter from Poe to Washington Irving.”
You can find out more about this exhibit here.

1 comment:

  1. Sextonblake10:58 AM

    I can still remember a piece by the writer Kingsley Amis, where he interpreted the first line of TO HELEN (Oh Helen, thy beauty is to me like the Nicean barks of yore) as "Helen, you look like an old boat".
