Thursday, October 05, 2006

Where’s the Who dunnit?

Wheredunnit is a fun new online resource for matching the where with the who in mystery novels. Clicking on a spot on a map of the United States, the United Kingdom, or Europe brings up a list of mysteries set in that location. (There’s also a “world” link that currently doesn’t go anywhere. I’m figuring it’s in the planning stages.) At present, if you click on Oklahoma on the U.S. map, you get a list of authors that include William Bernhardt, Ben Kinkaid, Jean Hagar, Molly Bearpaw, Susan Rogers Cooper, and others.

Clearly, this is a huge undertaking and it looks to be a fairly recent one, so it will be interesting to see how everything evolves. There are lots of books and authors still missing, although an e-mail link on the site’s FAQ asks for additions.

(Hat tip to Detectives Beyond Borders.)

1 comment:

WhereDunnit said...

Thanks for the comments - you're right: it's a huge undertaking, but I hope to get The World up and running this year :-)